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Overview - Servers

Servers are the basis of Webslice Containers. The first thing you’ll do on the platform is add your first server. Then you can start adding containers to that server, and you’re all set up.

Each server is a Linux VM in one of our global locations. You choose the size and location, and it will ready in a few minutes.

You or your team can run as many servers as you like. You can quickly add, upgrade, or delete servers through the Webslice Console.

Servers are managed at the Team level, so:

  • If you can see a server, so can every other Team member.
  • If you’re a member of multiple Teams, you’ll see a different set of servers when you switch between Teams.

Servers are Maintained by the Webslice Team

We maintain the entire fleet of servers on the Webslice Containers platform. You do not need to worry about tasks like patching or OS upgrades, which is one of the platform’s big benefits.