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Creating a Container

Once you’ve got a server up and running on the Webslice Containers platform, you’re ready to start provisioning Containers onto it. You can do this from the main Container screen, or by opening the relevant Server.

  • Depending on the Container type, the name that you’ll see for it is either the Website Address (for Web or Application images) or Container Label (Service images). If you have chosen an Integrated Image, the Container Label is filled in for you.
  • During the creation process you have the option to create a new SSH User for the container. We recommend having separate SSH users for each container, rather than using the same credientials for multiple containers.

Next steps will differ depending on the type of image you have selected.

Options for new Web Containers

  • Choose the database version from the drop-down list. (If the version you want is greyed out, ensure that there is an Integrated Container active for that version.)
  • Fill in the Database Name, Database User and Database Password. If you are going to want to manage your database via your web browser, see Managing Databases.

Options for new Service Containers

Once your new Container is created, you can open its Settings to:

  • Choose the Port number and Protocol , and choose whether to make the port publicly accessible.
  • Set Environment Variables.

See our technical guide to Service Containers for information about configuration files and debugging.

Integrated Containers

Integrated Containers are default services that we provide. These containers help you to easily create databases for your applications to use and to also view/manage them through a web browser without having to worry about configuring these yourself. They do not add to your total image and container count. Each server can have one container for each of the Integrated Images.

In comparison to Web, Service or Application Containers, Integrated Containers have some limitations on the functions that you can control. For example, you cannot set Aliases or Environment Variables or add Ports. We also don’t allow you to SSH into Integrated Containers. All you need to worry about is ensuring that an Integrated Container exists for services that you want to use for your applications.