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Adding a New Server

You can add new servers from the main Servers screen in the Webslice Console. There is no limit to the number of servers that you or your team can manage within Webslice. It takes a few minutes or less for a new server to be ready for you to start adding containers.

Each server you add can be in any of our available locations, and of any available size.

Once you have provisioned a server, the table of Recent Activity will show you the tasks that the system goes through to create the server. The server status will switch from “Provisioning” to “Online” when it is ready to go.

By default, there will be a new MariaDB Container on every new server that you create. If you don’t need this Container it’s safe to delete it.

Options You Can Change Later

You can rename or upgrade your server later. You cannot change a server’s location, but with Container cloning you can migrate containers and websites between servers in different locations.