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Billing and Payments

Monthly Billing

Webslice bills are emailed once every calendar month, and are due within seven days.

Bills are sent to the owner of the Team that operates the relevant servers or projects.

For part-months (for example if you spin up a new Webslice Container server, or delete one, part-way through the billing month), you will be charged the pro-rata amount. For example, half the month = half the amount.


All Webslice billing occurs in USD. Your credit card will be charged in that currency.

Credit Cards

A credit card is required to open a Webslice account. At the time we will validate the card by holding an amount, but nothing will be charged.

We accept Visa and Mastercard.

The credit card will remain on file, stored securely in accordance with PCI DSS (the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). No-one at Webslice will have access to your full credit card number or CVC.

We will automatically debit your stored credit card on the day that your monthly bill is due.

Updating Your Credit Card Details

Credit cards are managed through the Team Settings screen, which you can access through your account profile.


Invoices are available through the Team Settings screen, which you can access through your account profile. This is also where you can edit the postal address that appears on your invoices (although they are emailed, not posted).